Tips for protecting digital data
Digital privacy day, it is observed each January 28 "It is an international effort to recognize the importance of protecting privacy, safeguarding data and establishing trust "this is according to the National Cyber Security Alliance . They encourage everyone to be a good digital citizen in the technology - rich society in which we live.
How to Be a good digital citizen
A good digital citizen is someone who uses technology as it is intended and is proactive in the protection of their privacy. You should also be protective of any personal or private data others may have entrusted to you and remain vigilant and proactive about protecting it.
Tips to practicing good digital citizenship
***Use social media cautiously. Do not post anything that you want to keep private or will put your digital data in jeopardy.

***Turn off your computer when not in use if left on and connected to the Internet you give hackers access to install malware or commit other cyber crimes.
***Do not open an email or link if you do not know the person or company that is sending it to you. Also unless you know the person or company that you're communicating with under no circumstances give out personal information.
***Make sure that all devices such as the computer, smart phone or tablet have up-to-date virus protection. Make sure that all of your security software has the latest releases to protect you against any new threats to your digital data.
***You should have different passwords for your various accounts and you should change them regularly. Avoid using the common passwords such as birthdays, spouse's first name or street addresses. Make each one unique using uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols and they should be at least eight characters in length..
***When shopping online be sure to use sites that are familiar to you and you have used them in the past. If in doubt about the website contact the website owners and call them to verify that it is a legitimate site.
***If you come across a fraudulent website or any other type of scam, report it to the authorities as everybody is responsible to do whatever they can to help in this assault on our privacy.
By following these tips you should reduce your risk of having your privacy and personal information stolen. It is important that everyone take whatever steps necessary to protect themselves and others.